Friday, June 4, 2010

CSA Work/Play Day

Last Saturday was our first work/play day for our CSA members, what a great day! We had lots of great help from our members, we may make farmhands out of them yet. Check this link for some fun photos!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring Break

Happy Easter! The only good thing about a delayed strawberry crop is having a few days away with Russ and the kids. Here’s a fun photo of Jacob and Johnny crashed out on the beach. It was a beautiful day to spend in the sun, looking forward to a few more before back to work.
Hope your Easter is full of joy!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Is it spring yet??

We are trying to be patient, but it's really hard! It seems like it's been overcast and cool since sometime in early October-yuck! Our strawberry crop is about 3 weeks behind because of the weather, they just haven't had enough bright sunny days to encourage growth.

I hope you've had a good winter. We're getting excited about spring, the garden is growing, the CSA starts next week and we've been rearranging in the market. We'll try and get some new video this week so you'll have an idea of what's new. We hope to be open by April 24th. Stay tuned!